Show excerpt for protected post

I’m using the code referenced in this thread:

Restrict category, display content teaser?

It works well when I disable Category Restriction and just restrict the post. When I use the Restrict Categories to provide protection, the post is not shown at all. Users with access can see the post, but the post is removed from the loop display for users without access.


3 responses to “Show excerpt for protected post”

  1. Andrew Avatar

    Thanks – I created a copy of the install and emailed him access instructions.

    FYI – I’ve been getting bounce backs from your mail server that my IP is sending spam – but the IP is Microsoft since I use Office 365. The bouce backs take 48 hrs to arrive. I sent the email from my personal gmail account. I’d like to get a quote for some custom work.

    1. antonio Avatar

      Thanks Andrew.
      Answered by email.
      Please about custom work have a look at the ‘Projects’ section in support page.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  2. antonio Avatar

    Hi Andrew,
    It should work fine. Please give us dashboard admin access to antonio at itthinx dot com and I’ll have a look at your settings (please indicate this topic in the email).
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
