Shortcode settings affiliate area

Hi, i am struggling to setup the affiliate area.
is this sintax correct?
[affiliates_affiliate_profile show_name =”true” edit_name=”true” show_email =”true” edit_email=”true” show_attributes=”coupons, referral.rate, referral_amount, paypal_email” edit_attributes=”paypal_email” /]

I already ask you if you can provide a preset template of affiliate area…
Below follow the complete affiliate area coding,please give it a look if there is somethin wrong,thanks


Please log in to access the affiliate area.


If you are not an affiliate, you can join the affiliate program here:



Welcome to your affiliate area. Here you can find information about your affiliate link and earnings.

[affiliates_affiliate_profile show_name =”true” edit_name=”true” show_email =”true” edit_email=”true” show_attributes=”coupons, referral.rate, referral_amount, paypal_email” edit_attributes=”paypal_email” /]

Affiliate link

Your affiliate URL:


Use this code to embed your affiliate link:

SabrinAttiani Fashion Made in Italy
Commissions pending payment

[affiliates_referrals show=”total” status=”accepted”]
Commissions paid

[affiliates_referrals show=”total” status=”closed”]
Number of sales referred

Accepted referrals pending payment: [affiliates_referrals status=”accepted”]
Referrals paid: [affiliates_referrals status=”closed”]

[affiliates_affiliate_stats show_totals_accepted=”false” /]

[affiliates_affiliate_graph interval=”year”]

Posted in


5 responses to “Shortcode settings affiliate area”

  1. I am also having trouble with affiliate area. I begin logged off. Then I enter into the browser

    When the page is generated in opera/chrome – it is loaded with my master Username and Password automatically. That’s bad enough – but when I click “submit” the page logs in under this name to my master WordPress account.

    From there – anyone can call the dashboard and destroy the site.

    The security concern is immense – and I can’t afford to use this program unless I can turn this auto fill feature off. I turned all of this off in opera and blasted cache, cookies and the like back a full week – and still this information persists. It MUST be coming from the site – but no setting in the Affiliates Pro plugin to turn it off.

    Can you help?



    1. antonio Avatar

      this is not an option/problem of Affiliates. The problem is in your browser settings that remember the user and password of this page (normally if you clean your browser cache it should be solved).
      For your peace, I have visited the page in Safari and Firefox, and I have not any data in the fields.

  2. HI Antonio, it doesnt work. IT shows just the name and mail, no edit, no attributes…HOw could you help me?

    1. Hi,
      I have test the code, and works fine. Please give us your url to have a look.

  3. Hi,
    all seems ok. Except “Use this code to embed your affiliate link:” because comment system has filtered this and I can not see the code 😉
