Shortcode issues after Migration


I recently migrated our site to Cloudways. After the migration, this shortcode: [groups_file_link file_id=”78″] no longer displays the filename… let alone enables a file to download. I followed the directions regarding updating my file path in MySQL. Everything looks fine under the Groups/Files page… where the path appears to be accurate and all the information is seemingly displaying properly.

I am wondering… the .htaccess (in the directory of the actual files I am trying to download) just says “deny from all” is there anything else that needs to be added? I have used the program for over a year with no issues on Siteground but the recent migration killed your plugins functionality. I also have admin privileges to all of the groups requiring access, so it’s not an issue whereby I’m not paying attention to group access features.

Please advise…

Thank you…



6 responses to “Shortcode issues after Migration”

  1. George Avatar

    Hi Naomi,

    You’re welcome. I was checking your emails when I saw the message that you had reset the permissions.
    Does it mean that the issue has been resolved? Should I take a look at your staging?
    Please let me know.

    Kind regards,


  2. George Avatar

    Hey Naomi,

    The deny from all or deny all directives depending on your web server type is related to blocking direct access to files. This means that if someone tries to access the file using the absolute path, any of the GFA folder contents shouldn’t be accessible.
    Access to the file is only given through the plugin’s infrastructure to those that are privileged to access.

    From this point of view it is difficult to work out what might be wrong in your setup and therefore I think it’s better to have a look at your Dashboard, hosting server and database. We will need temp admin access to your Dashboard and FTP access to your hosting server. If the site is running live at the moment then it’s more suitable to get access to a staging clone instead. You may forward the account details to my personal address, george at itthinx dot com.

    Kind regards,

    1. Naomi Veroczi Avatar
      Naomi Veroczi

      Please check your email… and thank you…

  3. Naomi Veroczi Avatar
    Naomi Veroczi

    Hello George,

    I migrated the entire site via the migration plugin provided by Cloudways. I had no issue with any of the other plugins I use. I looked at the file ID 78… and made sure it was viable… I also tried several other file ID’s… just to make sure that there was not any individual issues with a file corruption. So, no, the problem of accessing the file, seems to be more related to permission settings than anything else. If the .htaccess is set to: deny from all

    Why is there not code related to allowing the program to access the files… as the code one would use for a nginx server… as in:

    location /var/www/groups/wp-content/uploads/groups-file-access {
    deny all;

    I would really like to be able to continue to use this plugin, so any assistance is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,


  4. George Avatar

    Hi Naomi,

    Thanks for using Groups and Groups File Access to your site, much appreciated.

    As for the Groups Files Access db data, how did you transfer it? Was it through the rest of the migration process when you imported your database to the new server, or did you use the GFA export file and imported the data to your new server?

    I would also recommend you to have a look at the file ID, does the ID 78 correspond to the file you are serving via the shortcode?

    Kind regards,

    1. Naomi Veroczi Avatar
      Naomi Veroczi

      or perhaps the location information in the nginx code is really just a comment and not related to the code itself.

      In any case, I need ideas on how to resolve this. 😉
