Short Code Blocks

Are there common things that stop the affiliate pro short codes from working? I am using woocommerce, a custom child theme and some pluggins (mostly woo pluggins).

I have read that turning off pluggins can solve the problem blocking the shortcodes, but all the pluggins I have running I need.



4 responses to “Short Code Blocks”

  1. joshen5252 Avatar

    I ended up using javascript and grabbing the value from the coupon input. This is a bit easier.

  2. joshen5252 Avatar

    Thanks for the reply, I was able to fix the issue. I am in the process of customizing the affiliates page and I want make code that the user can cut and paste to put on their site that includes an coupon code. I got the coupon code to show in the “profile,” but it is inside an input box. This would be an idea example of what I want to show on the affiliate users page:

    Sign up to MySite and use the coupon: affilatescoupon at checkout to save 30%!

    They could cut and paste this to their site.

    1. Hi,
      You can use Affiliates Show Attributes for this purpose.
      In your case:
      Sign up to MySite and use the coupon: [aff-show-attributes show_attributes=”coupons” /] at checkout save 30%!

  3. Hi,
    if you have problem with affiliates, it can be caused by conflict with other plugin. To detect the problem, you must disable all plugins, activate them one by one to find the conflict.
    What is the problem with the shortcodes?
