Setting the Method for variable product commissions



Hi guys,

In woocommerce I have set each product to the desired commissions, typically 5% or 10%. When I am in the Affiliate pro – Settings – Comissions –

I am not sure which ‘Method’ I should be choosing to default to the commissions I set at the product level.

For example: Referral Amount, Referral Amount Method, Referral Rate

Another option under Referral Amount Method is: Affiliates_WC_Method::product_rates
(i think this is from when i by mistake installed affiliates products which is not what I want)

Please advise!


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3 responses to “Setting the Method for variable product commissions”

  1. Great this is what I have. Thanks for confirmation of the correct settings Antonio!

    1. antonio Avatar

      Perfect ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. antonio Avatar

    Hi Jared,
    in Affiliates->Woocommerce Integration you need to activate the “Enable product referral rates” option, and set a default rate.
    Then in Affiliates->Settings:Commissions select “Referral Amount Method” and “Affiliates_WC_Method::product_rates”.
    Kind regards,
    Antonio B.
