Setting Affiliate Commissions

I am using Affiliates Pro Plugin on WooCommerce

Okay, here is my situation.

Usually I need to provide all affiliates 70% of the commission for each sale except for 1 or 2 products where I want to take the commission down to 50%.

I tackled the first part by going to Affiliates > Settings and setting the Default referral calculation as ‘Referral Rate’ and setting the Default referral calculation value to 0.7. Now how do I set commission rate to 50% for one of the products specifically? I do not see an option call “Product Data > Affiliates.”


7 responses to “Setting Affiliate Commissions”

  1. magnetoms Avatar


    Thanks for the quick reply. I have done Step 1 you mentioned. But Step 2 is giving me trouble. Under Affiliate >Settings there are 3 options for Default referral calculation. They are Referral Amount, Referral Amount Method and Referral Rate. I do not find this setting: ‘Affiliates_WC_Method::product_rates’. Please advise.

    1. Hi,
      1.- select “Referral Amount Method”
      2.- save
      3.- Select ‘Affiliates_WC_Method::product_rates’

      1. magnetoms Avatar

        Thank you. That sorted out things! Also a quick question on affiliate links. What link should an affiliate use to link directly to a product? If my product url is
        should it be

        (2 being the id of the affiliate)

        1. Exactly, you can use, for example:

          1. magnetoms Avatar

            Thanks. Another question. Where can affiliates view reports that show their referrals and commission earned so far? I tried going through the manual here: but it is still not clear to me.

            There is an option by which I can set permission for a ‘subscriber’ to ‘view affiliates’ but this would let an affiliate view all other affiliate’s details as well. I do not want this to happen. Please advise.

            1. Hi,
              affiliates can view their data in the “Affiliate Area” (you can generate this in Affiliates->Options)
              You can modify this page, and use others shortcodes.

  2. Hi,
    – In Affiliates->Woocommerce Integration enable product referral rate, and set the default rate.
    – choose the Affiliates_WC_Method::product_rates method under Affiliates > Settings
    – In every Woocommerce Product you can set the referral rate in edit product page -> Product data-> tab Affiliates
