Selected by woocommerce + paypal online credit card payment, Appear Validation Error: PayPal IPN different e-mail address to respond ( order status changed from payment processing to hold.


Selected by woocommerce + paypal online credit card payment,
Validation Error: PayPal IPN different e-mail address to respond ( order status changed from payment processing to hold.

Order status
on hold

To become a complete how to make paypal Completed
Use version
WordPress 4.1.1
woocommerce 2.3.7

Make affiliate marketing program automatically calculates the bonus promotion

please help , thank you.


One response to “Selected by woocommerce + paypal online credit card payment, Appear Validation Error: PayPal IPN different e-mail address to respond ( order status changed from payment processing to hold.”

  1. antonio Avatar

    Hi Victor,
    The Paypal problem is produced by Woocommerce settings. Maybe this topic can help you.
    If you need to generate commission with Woocommerce, you need to install the Woocommerce integration (on Affiliates->Settings:Integrations).
    Antonio B.
