Sales Commissions re Affiliate (Pro) Page


I am using the Affiliates Pro as a sales commission system (engine). Sales Reps are Affiliates and users are customers that place wholesale orders. Works fine. Now I am trying to setup a page where the Sales Reps can see their monthly earnings to date and orders from users with the commission amount. Sort of like the below:

Rep logs into the page and see:

Earnnings to date: X$’s
#1 Company X, Order Number, Order Details, Order Date, Order Total, Commission Earned
#2 Company Y, Order Number, Order Details, Order Date, Order Total, Commission Earned
#3 Company X, Order Number, Order Details, Order Date, Order Total, Commission Earned

Is this possible?
Can anyone help?




3 responses to “Sales Commissions re Affiliate (Pro) Page”

  1. Hi Bob,
    We are getting a new release of the plugin ready, it has an amazing new Affiliates Dashboard available as Gutenberg Blocks that helps customize what the affiliates see a great deal, it can even be extended with custom templates in the code if you need to, so stay tuned!

  2. Thanks for all this information. I will try to work through all the shortcodes. So far, it has been difficult translating the terms common to affiliates over to sales commissions. Most of the great features of the plugin we cannot use.


  3. Hey there Bob,
    The Afiliates Pro plugin provides several shortcodes that can help you display statistics on your Affiliate page.
    I recommend reading the documentation on shortcodes to get an in-depth look at those, it can be found at
    The default Affiliate Area page also provides some affiliate data such as Total Earnings, Number of Sales and Monthly Earnings.
    You can use the [affiliates_affiliate_stats] shortcode to display general statistics for the affiliate in a table-view that also gives the user the ability to filter the results by date. For a detailed list, use [affiliates_affiliate_stats type="stats-referrals" /]
    Documentation can be found at

    For order details, check this extension at->
    It provides an additional column for the [affiliates_affiliate_stats type="stats-referrals"] shortcode with order details if the referral is an order. You install an activate it as any regular plugin.

    Total Earnings can be displayed independently via the [affiliates_referrals] shortcode. You can set the status of the displayed referrals (accepted, pending, closed, rejected), the total amount paid or unpaid and assign attributes like date and currency.
    So, for the total earnings (both paid and unpaid), you’d use [affiliates_referrals show="total"]. For paid referrals only that’d be
    [affiliates_referrals show="total" status="closed"]
    More on this shortcode’s attributes can be found here ->

    Hope this helps!
