Restriction only by Group, not by capabilities ! Why ?


I just buy the plugin because I need to have a Capabilities restriction (and not Group restriction) for my post categories and pages, and when I read the description of this plugin I was like “Woaw I need it”.

But after installation, when I go to the categories management, I can just choose Group for the restriction, not Capabilities.

Can you help me ? What is the problem ?

– What I see on the official screenshot plugin :

– What I can do in my WordPress:


PS : I have the last version of WordPress.


One response to “Restriction only by Group, not by capabilities ! Why ?”

  1. Hi Nathanael,
    If you need to work with capabilities, you can enable the legacy mode from Groups->Options, ‘Enable legacy access control based on capabilities.’ option.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
