Restricted Access Category suddenly showing

When we originally set up this plugin last year, I had set up one of our Categories to be restricted to one group. Everything was working fine and that Category was not visible when a regular user browsed the site.

Now suddenly, that Category is visible to anyone, rather than just the logged in users. Not sure what happened/changed.

I thought it may be due to one of your recent updates, so I rolled back to the previous version of both the Groups and the Groups Restrict Categories plugins. No change. Still the same problem.

We have the Posts in this Category also with the same access restrictions and they don’t show up unless logged in. (ie. working properly).

SO, Restricted Access Category shows up to anyone, Restricted Access Posts hidden from anyone.

Any idea where I can check to track this problem down?

We’ve spent the whole morning checking through our code to see what may have caused this, but have come up with nothing.




3 responses to “Restricted Access Category suddenly showing”

  1. Hello,

    Don’t really like sending around our admin access via email. I’ve sent an invite to a DropBox folder that has a sheet with the required info.

    Also, I’ve rolled back the plugins we’re using to the previous versions, because the problem seems to have appeared recently and I wanted to eliminate the updates.


    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Derek,
      Don’t worry. It seems to work fine in all our installations, but we’ll check it again with the latest versions.
      Antonio B.

  2. antonio Avatar

    Hi Derek,
    It should work fine with the latest versions. Please check if you have the latest versions.
    If the problem persists, you can send me dashboard admin access to antonio at itthinx dot com and I’ll have a look at your settings.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
