i am registered buyer of Affiliates Pro as well as Gravity Forms Integration
Service Key: 275221a81534f6731c5e832dbc4f63da

I have created Affiliated Registration form using two methods:
1) In “Affiliate Area: using the Plugin shortcode: Here is the page:
I would like to make this form smaller and more compact. In other words, to customize for size and aesthetic. How can i do this?

2) By using Gravity Forms along with your Gravity Forms integration: Here is the page:
As you can see, because i have built this form In Gravity forms, I have been able to customize size and layout.
However, these form submissions do not seem to populate the affillate register nor provide notifications.

Can you please provide your best advice on how to proceed? What is preferred method? For you convenience, I am providing you WordPress Credentials for site;


Thank you,

Posted in



  1. Thank you so much for your prompt response to my support inquiry.
    My final question is regarding setting up payment system for affiliates. Is it best to do this entirely within Paypal?
    If so, what Paypal integration should I install and how should this be configured?

    Also what about providing Affiliates alternative to Paypal? Bank Transfer/ACH etc. A lot of our proposed affiliates are financial busineses/bloggers. What payment integrations that are compatible with Affiliate pro do you suggest we use?
    Thank you

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Aidan,
      Affiliates plugin doesn’t process the payments. Usually from the Totals section you can filter and close (mark as paid) the referrals, for example, once a month.
      Using the affiliates registration fields (Affiliates->Settings:Registration) you can request to the users, their paypal account, bank account, …
      Paypal is the most used option, since from Totals you can generate a mass payment file.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  2. antonio Avatar

    Hi Aidan,
    1.- The plugin doesn’t add extra css to fields, so the theme’s css is used. You could customize the css, or using the VisualComposer shortcodes, something like this: [vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][affiliates_registration][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][/vc_column][/vc_row] ( I have not tested it).
    2.- I have tested the registration form, that’s true, the affiliate is not created, but the wordpress user either. I think that the Gravity Form registration form is not created correctly (sorry I have not an expert on Gravity Form). Please have a look at the ‘Creating a User Registration compatible Gravity Form’ section on GF docs.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
