reinstalling affiliate enterprise


Thanks for your valuable support. I just have this concern about reinstalling the plugin. I am planning to reinstall my website because I cannot see anymore the product page.. it says ” PAGE NOT FOUND”. I don’t know how to solve this problem. This happened after I install WP ecommerce and moved files in a folder after that. .page not found occurs.. I dont know how to refresh or update or reset back to original.. So I will just reinstall my site.. and everything in it.

My concern is this, my license in affiliate enterprise is only one site.. if i reinstall my site including the plugin, will my license not be affected?
I mean, can I still reinstall this plugin in the same site?



p.s. If you have other alternative to do this, please advise. Thanks again.


One response to “reinstalling affiliate enterprise”

  1. George Avatar

    Hi Lloyd,

    You can safely delete and reinstall Affiliates Enterprise. Your copy of the plugin can be found in your Downloads page.
    Keep in mind that if you don’t want to lose your current plugin configuration then you should leave unchecked the option to Delete all plugin data on deactivation under Affiliates > Settings in Deactivation and data persistence section.

    Kind regards,
