Registration Error


I’m experiencing this problem where everytime I register a user, it will not take the username and password. What happens is the username and password that I used will be assigned to the next user that registers. It just goes on and on. Here’s a screenshot of the Manage affiliate screen. Can you tell me what’s wrong with this?!/62cb0f2b98


4 responses to “Registration Error”

  1. Hi Henry,

    I have already sent you instructions on how to work out this issue.
    I will mark the topic as resolved but if it persists you can always post a new topic.

    Kind regards,

  2. henry Avatar

    I will send you the email credentials as soon as I’m done with the backup.

    1. henry Avatar

      I mean the admin credentials.

  3. George Avatar

    Hi Henry,

    Is it possible that you use any plugins that are related to registration etc?
    If it is a live site, please take a full backup and then send your admin credentials to george [at] itthinx [dot] com, i would like to have a look.

    Kind regards,
