Referring affiliate section is not assigning the referred to any member.

I’m having an issue with the referring affiliate section,
I did all you describe in this topic, however, it doesn’t seem to work, I thought it could be that I wasn’t using your registration form so I changed it, but nothing…

Any Idea?


5 responses to “Referring affiliate section is not assigning the referred to any member.”

  1. Hi George

    I already sent you more details so you can have a better idea of how my website is set up…

    Thank you for help


  2. George Avatar

    Hi Luis,

    I’ve tried registering as a new affiliate using affiliate-area and registration-test pages and both require the Terms & Conditions to be accepted. I think you should contact Membership Pro Ultimate WP on how to exclude the affiliate registration form from this. It seems that this is the only plugin that utilizes this function, to display a checkbox for Terms & Conditions. Also, you can safely exclude affiliates registration form, because [affiliates_registration] shortcode supports it’s own functionality for terms and conditions if you replace the default with this shortcode, [affiliates_registration terms_post_id="5"], where “5” is the post id of your terms & conditions page.

    Regarding tiers functionality, a tiered relationship is created whenever an existing affiliate refers a new user and the new user registers as affiliate.
    For example, there is an existing affiliate on your site named Bob.
    Bob refers George who also registers as affiliate on your site.
    A tiered relationship is created between these two affiliates, which means that whenever George refers ie a new sale, he will get a commission and Bob will earn a tiered commission.


  3. Hi George,

    The register section is handled by Membership Pro Ultimate WP, however I don’t use any specific plugin for the terms and conditions.

    I tried to register a new user from the front end and I didn’t have any issue with the terms and conditions

    I’m also using the extension Affiliates addtoany to share the links and what I notices is that everything is ok, until the visitor clicks on the link shared by the affiliate….when the link is clicked by the visitors the affiliate code that is at the end of the link change to a different one…

    Not sure if that could be the problem

    Thanks for your help


  4. George Avatar

    Hi Luis,

    I’ve managed to login with the second set of credentials you sent me and tried to register but I get an error that I have to accept terms and conditions.
    What plugin do you use that handles terms and conditions?


  5. George Avatar

    Hi Luis,

    I think it’s better for me to have a look at your settings.
    Please enable WP debugging and send me temp admin access to, using the post title as the email subject.

    To enable it, edit your wp-config.php file and replace the following line:
    define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false );
    with these lines:

    define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true );
    define(‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true );
    define(‘WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY’, false );
    after that, any errors will be added to a file named debug.log under your wp-content folder.

    Kind regards,
