referral_rate and referral_amount shortcode not working


Am using Affiliates Pro and trying to use the [affiliates_affiliate_profile] shortcode to display the referral rate, however, it doesn’t seem to be working.

I’m using the following code and the only thing that displays is coupons… nothing for referral amount, nor for referral rate.

[affiliates_affiliate_profile show_name=”” show_email=”” show_attributes=”referral_amount, referral_rate, coupons”]

Any assistance you can provide is greatly appreciated – thanks!

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3 responses to “referral_rate and referral_amount shortcode not working”

  1. George Avatar

    Hi Michael,

    Sorry for the late reply.

    There was a mistype in the documentation and the shortcode parameters were wrong.
    The correct values are:
    [affiliates_affiliate_profile show_attributes="referral.rate" /] to display the referral rate.
    [affiliates_affiliate_profile show_attributes="referral.amount" /] to display the referral amount.
    [affiliates_affiliate_profile show_attributes="coupons" /] to display affiliate coupon attribute.
    [affiliates_affiliate_profile show_attributes="paypal_email" /] to display affiliate paypal email attribute.

    Kind regards,

  2. Michael Avatar


    I have set a referral rate for the affiliate under Affiliates>Manage Affiliates> +New Attribute> Referral Rate as key, 0.25 as value. If this is the value that is supposed to appear with the shortcode I provided, it is not appearing (nothing appears; no heading, no box, no content in the box). Additionally, there is no coupon set up for the affiliate, yet the heading ‘Coupons’ appears with an empty box with the shortcode.

    Is there different shortcode to use that would show the referral rate for the affiliate, regardless of whether it is set as a default commission in Settings>Commissions /// Woocommerce Integration>Enable product referral rates OR Affiliates>Manage Affiliates> +New Attribute> Referral Rate … basically, I want to display to the affiliate the minimum commission rate they are getting. Example: default rate is 10%, affiliate A is at 20%, affiliate B is at default. Code to display 20% to customer A and 10% to customer B?

    Any suggestions/advise is appreciated – thanks!

  3. George Avatar

    Hi Michael,

    Please note that this shortcode will render affiliates’ attributes and not the referral rate or amount set for the affiliates program under Affiliates>Settings>Commissions. If the logged affiliate has set only the coupon attribute then only this attribute will be displayed.

    Kind regards,
