Referral Level commission

Hi, is it possible to set up commission amount per affiliate level..?
like in Level 1 = $5, Level 2 = $15 and Level 3 = $20..

is that possible..?

thank you in advance.


6 responses to “Referral Level commission”

  1. You are welcome 🙂

    Please visit Affiliates > Settings under General tab at the bottom of the screen there is an option regarding data persistence when you deactivate the plugin. Enable it, deactivate the plugin and then re-activate. All your data will be gone.

    Kind regards,

  2. Sethkamlet Avatar

    Also is there a way I can restart or back to zero the data base of the affliate..? we just want to remove all our test data..
    thanks in advance.

  3. Sethkamlet Avatar

    Thank you!

  4. Sethkamlet Avatar

    Hi George,
    We already bought the PRO there any way to do this without paying too much..? I mean like just paying for an upgrade and not paying for a whole new version again.. thank you for your respond.

    1. Hi,

      Yes sure, you don’t have to pay the full amount again to upgrade to the Enterprise version, just use the coupon code pro2enterprise at checkout and the Pro price already paid is deducted.


  5. Hi Seth,

    Yes this is possible through Tiers feature. It is fully supported by Affiliates Enterprise version. I would recommend you to have a look at Enterprise’s description here and tiers description in the documentation. You may find useful the full description of Tiers in this blog post.

    If you decide to upgrade, you can do so by purchasing Affiliates Enterprise using your existing account credentials.

    Kind regards,
