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Referral currency and amount not displayed, and some other issues/questions.
I have several issues/questions and need some expert support.
1. I can clearly see referral sales is recorded and shown with the [affiliates_woocommerce_orders auto_limit=”50″] shortcode. time of the purchase, product bought, total amount are all showing but the “Referral Amount” is empty. I use ACM::by_sales for the referral amount calculation.
2. [affiliates_affiliate_stats show_totals_accepted=”true”/] gives me number of visits, # of hits, # of referrals as well as the ratio #. However, nothing is recorded for “Accepted” and “Closed” referral sales. the “Amount” and “Currency” fields are all empty with “–” as the value.
3. [affiliates_affiliate_stats type=”stats-referrals” show_amount=”true”/] gives me more details of the referral sales order. It lists “Date”, “Post”, “Amount”, “Currency” and “Status”. In my case, I have data populated for “Date”, “Post” (which is the order), and “Status” but there is NO value populated for “Amount” and “Currency”. A click on the “Post” entry will bring me to a “error 404 – page not found” page. And before the “Order – time” which is the order title, it prints “password protected”
4. tried to use the “affiliates affiliate status” widget and got the same output as [affiliates_affiliate_stats show_totals_accepted=”true”/] which is #2 on this list.
Thanks you so much for the help!
4 responses to “Referral currency and amount not displayed, and some other issues/questions.”
Hi Kento,
Any update on this case?
thank you,
I can’t say yet, we’ll need to wait for feedback from him.
Thank you, Kento.
Will wait for update.
Are there values for the amount and currency fields when you check the referrals in the admin section (Affiliates > Referrals) ? If these are empty there, too, then it seems that the custom method isn’t working or there’s a setting that needs to be adjusted – let’s see if the author of it can shed some light on that (sending him a link to this right now).