Referral bonus and hits/visits not working

Good day team,

I had a friend sign up as an affiliate using my link. I am getting an email he has signed up, but I did not get a referrer bonus in my account. Neither do I see any “income” recorded for visits.
This is Affiliate Pro and I did definitely set rates for 3 Tiers.

Can you help? I cannot seem to find anything in documentation


7 responses to “Referral bonus and hits/visits not working”

  1. George Avatar

    Yes Mich, it looks good now!


  2. George Avatar

    Hi Mich,

    Thanks for the follow-up.
    As it seems you are missing a general rate not only for User Registration integration but for all integrations. You can set a general rate for each integration, or a single rate that will apply for all of them(without selecting an integration).

    This general rate is used to calculate the commission for the Original Referrer. A generic example would be this:
    Affiliate Frank has referred Affiliate Paul.
    Affiliate Paul has referred Affiliate Mich.
    Affiliate Mich has referred Affiliate George.

    Whenever George refers a new event booking by a customer:
    George will get a commission based on the general rate.
    Mich will get a commission based on the rate set for Level 1.
    Paul will get a commission based on the rate set for Level 2.
    Frank will get a commission based on the rate set for Level 3.

    However, the general rate for the OR is missing and therefore the tiered commissions cannot be calculated.

    Apart from this example, I would recommend you to read the Affiliate Tiers Demystified that explains how do tiered commissions work with Affiliates Enterprise.

    If you have further questions on this topic, please let me know.

    Kind regards,

    1. Michel Wouterse Avatar
      Michel Wouterse

      Kind thanks, Sir. I have done exactly that and hope it is okay now. Perhaps you could have a quick look?

  3. George Avatar

    Hi Mich,

    Sure I can have a look, please change the role for my account to Administrator, so that I can have full access to your Dashboard.

    Also, keep in mind that if your site is running live at the moment, then it would be better to provide me with access to a staging clone instead. This way I can run my tests without interfering with your normal business operations.

    Kind regards,

    1. Michel Wouterse Avatar
      Michel Wouterse

      Role updated. Thank you very much. Looking fwd to your advice/comments

  4. Michel Wouterse Avatar
    Michel Wouterse

    I bought pro, then enterprise. enterprise uninstalled pro and then installed itself. So all has been configured.
    Perhaps you might have a look at what’s wrong as I think all has been done according to what I have read.
    You already have a login with us, George.

    Thanks in advance,


  5. George Avatar

    Hi Michel,

    Welcome back to our support channel.
    I can notice that you have two licenses, one for Affiliates Pro and one for Affiliates Enterprise.
    The tiers feature is supported only by Affiliates Enterprise, therefore it is not possible to create tiered affiliates and commissions in Affiliates Pro.
    Furthermore, in order to get a commission when referring a new user, then you need to use the User registration integration. This is located in Affiliates > User Registration and the setup is described in the dedicated documentation found here:

    For further details on the setup of either of Affiliates versions, you are more than welcome to follow-up here.

    Kind regards,
