Referral amount calculation

I have a unique coupon code for a promoter for certain items. For example coupon code xy is associated with promoter John for item A only. Coupon code xy is included in the attributes section of Affiliate Pro. Therefore if a customer orders:
1) One number of item A and inputs coupon code xy during checkout, promoter gets a fixed amount. For example $1.
2) Two number of item A and inputs coupon code xy during checkout, promoter should get $2. How do I make this happen??
3) Two numbers of item A and some other items and inputs coupon code xy during checkout, promoter should get $2 only. The other items in the cart should not have any bearing on the referral amount since they are not included in coupon A. How do I make this happen??
It should be noted from the above examples that referral amount is not rate based on total cart order but is rather based on number of item A ordered.


7 responses to “Referral amount calculation”

  1. Hi Kento/Antonio,

    So after I go to Affiliates > Settings and select Referral Amount Method, and save I get the following options:





    Which option to select from above and what is the next step and where to assign $1 for my Referral Amount?

    2). Also on Affiliates > WooCommerce Integration screen under Product Rates I have enabled the check box for “Enable product referral rates” and assigned “Default rate” to 1.0. So, let me know if this is correct or not?

    3). On Products > Edit Product screen for a particular product what needs to be assigned under Affiliates > Referral Rate?

    So apart from settings on above 3 pages let me know if I need to do anything else anywhere. Lastly,I have not assigned any referral attribute for any individual affiliate.

    I am trying to get a solution for my issue from the last 15 days through your Support/Documentation/Forum but not getting any specific reply from your end. This is really disappointing. I know you have lots of customers and issues on a daily basis. I purchased your plugin based on all these facilities listed in your website. So please take some time and give me a step by step solution
    Expecting your specific reply ASAP.


    1. antonio Avatar

      1.- Select “ACM::products_amount”.
      2.- This is correct.
      3.- In this field you can set different amount (for example 2 for $2).
      Sorry for the delay.

  2. Hi,
    I am sorry, but could you please help me with how to implement this. Or point me to some documentation that explains how it is implemented.
    I do have the Affiliates Custom Method – Products Amount plugin installed. However when I go to Affiliates > Settings, the pull down menu does not display Custom Method. Am I looking at the wrong place. A bit of direction would help.

    1. Hi Vijay,

      When you want to use a custom method, on the Affiliates > Settings screen you first select “Referral Amount Method” and hit the Save button. After that it will offer you the available custom methods below (I know that part could need a bit of improvement).


  3. Hi Kento,
    Could you please explain or help me in implementing the custom method? Please let me know what it would take to come up with a solution.


    1. antonio Avatar

      as @kento says you can use this custom method. Assign to Product_A $1 as amount, and to other products $0 as amount.

  4. What you’re asking for is a very specific customization and is not available out of the box. There is an implementation of a custom method which uses the rate to record a fixed amount per product – you could base your own customization on that.

    Another approach would be to use the existing product rates features and adjust the rates to each product’s price. That would allow you to have a commission amount proportional to the number of items ordered and this is also in line with what makes sense for lots of promoters.
