Referal is not listing coupon commision

We purchased “affiliates-pro-2.9.0” last day. After activation of the plugin we set referral rate as .01 in settings.Assigned one coupon for one of the referral.after successful checkout commission and all is not displaying in referral or total link.When we export it its showing all values as in cart discount.When we add manual in referral link that is listing there.As per the video tutorials and other documentation, We tried a lot to install “Affiliates Woo Commerce Integration” but we got only “Affiliates Woo Commerce Integration-light”

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One response to “Referal is not listing coupon commision”

  1. antonio Avatar

    Hi robert,
    to use coupons you need the pro Integration.
    You need to unsinstall the Affiliate Woocommerce Integration Light. Then in Affiliates->Settings:Integrations you have available the Woocommerce Integration Pro, please install it.
    Antonio B.
