Provide Affilliates Access

Hi there,

Is it possible to grant affiliates access to their account only?

Also, for some affiliates, they have multiple accounts with us but would like to view it using one account – is this possible?

Any reference to documentation / instructions would be greatly appreciated.


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One response to “Provide Affilliates Access”

  1. George Avatar

    Hi Daniel,

    All your new affiliates get the Subscriber role upon registration. Unless you decide to change their role to something with more privileges, affiliates will have access to all the content of a subscriber.

    If though you prefer to restrict access to specific parts of your front-end, then I would recommend you to have a look to our Groups plugin, which is a free tool to manage such restrictions.

    Regarding your second question, you can either as admin choose which username to utilize when adding an affiliate manually, or you can let your potential affiliates to login to the affiliate area using the user account of their choice and complete the affiliate registration.

    Hope these help you.

