Problem discovered with referral links



First and foremost, I want to personally apologize, because I had been truly fustrated trying to launch my site, which is about 2 months behind. Anyway, after ripping down the site plugin by plugin and with many variations, I discovered that is was not your plugin ever which give me a headache. Is it WPLP plugin that’s causing all the fuss.

Again my apologizes and thanks for your patients.



3 responses to “Problem discovered with referral links”

  1. Hi john,

    That would require building an extension for Affiliates plugin.
    This plugin would check every referral and if the referral has to do with a new affiliate, measure the affiliates under the referrer and build the matrix accordingly.
    You can have a look at the API of Affiliates plugin and build it by yourself.
    Nevertheless, i will propose this feature and check if it can be added in a future release of the plugin.

    Kind regards,

  2. Hi George,

    Just a quick question. If I under you plugin correctly, an affiliate has not limit to how wide he/she can go and that’s a bit of a problem for us, so I ask is there a work around to limit the width of our matrix? I need it to be 5 wide.


    PS: WPLP Not responding. NotGood!

  3. Hi John,

    That’s great you managed to work it out. 🙂
    You are always welcome to post any possible issues/ questions/ ideas concerning our plugins, to the support forums.

    Kind regards,
