pro version not working

Hi guys

We can not use the pro version because the following two pieces of software are not availble:

itthinx update
affiliates woocommerce integration

both downloadlinks are not working! we would provide screenshots if needed.

both are said to be required for the pro version to work but both downloads are not available
Can you please advise us on how to proceed as we are in the middle of an integration project
and need to show results on our side

kind regards


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3 responses to “pro version not working”

  1. Hi guys,

    @Matthias this sounds like a plugin conflict to me, while you send access to Antonio along with the screenshot, please also check if you have a known conflicting plugin installed – see the Troubleshooting section on the Itthinx Updates documentation page.


  2. matthias Avatar

    Dear Antonio. These links are the problem. When we click them nothing happens. I will send you a screenshot so you can see what is not working. I will send it to the support at itthinx adress. Lets take it on from there. Thank you for your quick reaction.

  3. antonio Avatar

    Hi Matthias,
    with the Affiliates Pro installed, in the ‘Plugins’ section you should have an alert message with the itthinx updates plugin link (‘Please install the itthinx updates plugin to…’). Once the itthinx updates active, and the service key set then you can install the woocommerce integration.
    If you can not do it, you can send us dashboard admin access to support at itthinx dot com and we’ll have a look (please indicate this topic in the email).
    Antonio B.
