price per affiliates to each product

I purchased this plugin because I mistakenly thought I could give a referral rate per affiliates to each product and when user (that he refer) buy product the affiliates will get the rate that i set, i understand that the plugin not do this…
is Affiliates WooCommerce Integration do it? and if so can i replace Affiliates Products with WooCommerce Integration?


One response to “price per affiliates to each product”

  1. George Avatar

    Hi Vitaly,

    With Affiliates Products plugin, each product can be assigned to a specific affiliate.
    The feature you need, ie set a rate per product per affiliate( plus other filters ) will be introduced in a future update of Affiliates plugin. Although i don’t have an ETA of that update, it’s a feature we are currently testing.

    Regarding Affiliates WooCommerce integration, this plugin is included in your license. You can install it through your Dashboard, under Affiliates > Settings, Integrations tab.

    Kind Regards,
