presale question



Hi there,

in order to get the pro version, is there anyway I can pay to affiliates with discounts in my website?



5 responses to “presale question”

  1. You’re welcome Maria, good luck with your setup.


  2. maria mg Avatar
    maria mg

    I tried but it didn’t work.. its a 5 years old addon and it broke the site…
    I’m affraid I’ll continue looking for something else, thanks anyway ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. You’re welcome Maria ๐Ÿ™‚


  4. Hi George,
    thank you very much for your idea, I’ll give it a try ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Hi Maria,

    Thanks for the follow-up on our premium support forum regarding your pre-sale question.

    In general the Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Enterprise versions of the plugin don’t offer such an option natively integrated in the plugin core that would fit your requirement.
    The closest I could think of would be a third-party addon which allows your affiliates to use their commissions and pay on your shop checkout. This addon can be found and downloaded here:
    and perhaps you should have a look and give it a try.

    Kind regards,
