Personalized commission formula


I want to create a commission :

– Based on a commissionable percentage of the product price (21%) and not on product price
– Progressive, 20% based on the commissionable price for orders from 5000€, 25% based on the commissionable price for orders from 10000€ and 30% based on commissionable price for orders from 15000€

Example :
Product price : 10€
Basis to calculate commission (21%) : 2,10€
Commission on order from 5 000€ : 20% -> (order amount * 21%) * 20% = Commission
Commission on order from 10 000€ : 25% -> (order amount * 21%) * 25% = Commission
Commission on order from 15 000€ : 30% -> (order amount * 21%) * 30% = Commission

Can you tell me how I can do it please, I didn’t find, I’ve found only simple parameters in rates section and not a possibility to create a formula.

Thanking you in advance,

Best regards.



One response to “Personalized commission formula”

  1. George Avatar

    Hi Vania,

    Thanks for using our affiliate marketing tool on your shop.

    The Affiliates plugin supports custom rates based on formulas using the order amounts for product and total as the formula parameters.
    In your case you should go a bit further and create a custom formula using the available filter hook for that purpose, affiliates_formula_computer_variables which is described in our documentation.
    After checking the amount of the order you can calculate the commission to be granted based on the percentages you choose and set a new variable with that value.

    Once this is completed create a new rate of type Formula and set as value the name of the new variable you created. In the filter hook description page you will also find an example implementation and as for the default set of variables already present in formulas, these are also described in the documentation for Rates

    Kind regards,
