Paypal Integrattion

Where can I get the plugin addon for the Affiliates Enterprise for PayPal Integration….
It sends me here… and says buy a license… BUT IT’S FOR PRO ONLY…
Where can I get this integraion for “Enterprise?” Thanks.


4 responses to “Paypal Integrattion”

  1. Hi Curt,
    Please tell me if the problem is solved.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.

  2. antonio Avatar

    Hi Curt,
    It’s the same process on Pro and Enterprise versions. From Affiliates->Settings:Commissions you can install the integration.
    Please check if you have installed the Itthinx Updates plugin and the service key setted.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.

    1. I have updates plugin and service key already set, because I installed the Woocommerce Integration…

      So under Paypal…
      This is what I see…

      So, I’ll ask again… where can I get.. Affiliates Enterprise for PayPal Integration??
      When I click the text it takes me to…

      And says… BUT I HAVE ENTERPRISE..
      So where can I get an AFFILIATES ENTERPRISE PAYPAL INTEGRATION, since I can’t download the PRO version????

      1. antonio Avatar

        Hi Curt,
        Have you tried to click on the ‘Install’ button instead of the plugin link? (from the Affiliates->Settings:Integrations section)
        If the problem persists, please send me an email to antonio[at]itthinx[dot]com indicating this topic.
        Kind Regards,
        Antonio B.
