Pay affiliates with store credit

I want to be able to pay the affiliates with store credit. But I have not been able to do so, the only option available is to pay them in mass paypal payments.

There is an option to setup coupon referrals for the attribute. Bu I’m looking for a general setting where affiliates are getting pay the accumulative referral amount as store credit using a coupon code.


3 responses to “Pay affiliates with store credit”

  1. Hi, just wondering if there is any update on the plugin for paying affiliates with store credit – this is an essential element for a store we are building.


    1. Sorry, right now there aren’t.

  2. antonio Avatar

    You can “pay” to affiliates creating a coupon with the value of referrals, and closing these referrals (on Affiliates->Referrals). We are working on a plugin to do it automatically.
