Override default redirect

I have a default redirect in place where if users log in, they’re automatically redirected to a front-end profile page. This cannot change.

When an affiliate logs in on the Affiliates Area Page, he is redirected to the profile as well. I need to change this as affiliates have no use for user profiles.

Instead, affiliate logins will simply remain on the Affiliate Area Page.

Any help appreciated.

The affiliates login redirect shortcode does not work btw.

As a matter of fact, my affiliates cannot log in at all.

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9 responses to “Override default redirect”

  1. For the record and if anyone else might find it useful, this is a solution to making it work with UPME’s redirection. For this solution, we assume that the affiliate area is located at http://www.example.com/affiliate-area/

    Edit your Affiliate Area page and make the following changes:

    #1 Replace the shortcode [affiliates_login_redirect] with [upme_login redirect_to="http://www.example.com/affiliate-area/"]

    #2 Replace the shortcode [affiliates_registration] with [affiliates_registration redirect="true" redirect_to="http://www.example.com/affiliate-area/"]

    This solution has one drawback in that the ‘check your email’ message won’t be displayed. A way around that problem is to create a confirmation page where you say “Thanks for signing up as an affiliate, please check your email for your password. You can log in here …” and use the URL to that page as the value for the redirect_to parameter in #2.

  2. George Avatar

    Hi Julius,

    That’s why we are trying to work it out 🙂
    With this plugin you are only managing the redirect after a successful login (only for the simple users or customers)? I am asking that because it has several other options availiable. ie,

    Force different user roles on each registration form through filters

    Could you perhaps provide admin access to your site? If yes please send us the admin credentials and a link to this topic to support[at]itthinx[dot]com. Make sure you have a full backup of your site.
    Perhaps there is just a simple configuration we can help and save the trouble.

    Kind regards,

    1. Julius Avatar

      Yeah it’s only supposed to redirect users who sign up through the main registration form.

      Credentials sent.


  3. George Avatar

    Hi Julius,

    Thanks a lot for the info you provided to us.
    The redirect option of the UPME plugin gets only one value, the page you want to redirect? Does it have any other options for it?
    I will also contact the UPME plugin author to work out a solution for you and
    let you know about the results.

    Kind regards,

    1. Julius Avatar

      I’m not sure if it has any other values.

      See there’s the problem right there.

      Cuz the UPME author is going to say that it’s not their issue and therefore they’re not going to offer support or help figure it out.

      You’re saying it’s UPME. UPME is saying it’s you.

      That means, I’m screwed.

  4. Julius Avatar

    Affiliates signed up through the Affiliates Pro plugin. So they’re properly registered.

    I have a separate plugin for the profile that has the default redirect. Like I said, that’s for customers and that redirect cannot change.

    Or are you telling me that this Affiliate Pro plugin cannot generate it’s own redirect.

    If that’s the case, then this plugin is absolutely useless to me. And I suspect I’m not the only one. You should put that in your documentation. Right up front. In BOLD, CAPITAL LETTERS.

    1. Hi Julius,

      You need to adjust your login redirect so it can distinguish between an affiliate and a normal user and then take the decision to redirect either to the user profile page or the affiliate area.

      You could also deactivate the normal redirect when someone is trying to log in on the affiliate area, that might be simpler, it depends on how you have set that up.

      The Affiliates system works perfectly with its redirect and you are the first ever to report this issue. This is not a fault of the Affiliates system, but a conflict between your plugin trying to force a redirect where you don’t want it to.

      You need to either have your plugin which is trying to force the redirect refrain from doing so on the affiliate area, or you need to adjust it so that it doesn’t interfere where it shouldn’t.

      Let us know what plugin you are using, maybe we can help indicating or asking the author. Or maybe you simply can solve this by excluding redirection when someone is trying to log in on the affiliate area.


      1. Julius Avatar

        Plugin I’m using to generate user profile is this one:

        I’d love some help in excluding a redirect when an affiliate user logs into the affiliate area. I have no idea how to go about this.


  5. George Avatar

    Hi Julius,

    Are you using your own custom redirect when someone logs in? This probably is causing the wrong redirect.
    In order for an Affiliate to be able to login to the site, he/she must be linked to a registered user. So, if you have added Affiliates manually from the Dashboard, these affiliates must be associated with a user in order to be able to login through the Affiliates Area.

    Kind regards,
