Offering Free Trial for a Product

We have multiple subscription based products. But for only 1 product we offer a 7 day free trial and charge them $20 after the trial period.
We wish to pay our affiliates a one-time commission of $15 if the customer stays with us after the trial period. This is the case for only 1 product.

Can we set a recurring referral for just 1 product and make sure it only considers 1 renewal (after the free trial), it pays the affiliate $15 one-time and does not pay the affiliate for future renewals?
How can we go about this?
All our other subscription products we charge $49 per month without a free trial. For those we wish to pay $25 one-time and not consider renewals.
How can we go about this?
We are using Woocommerce Subscriptions.


One response to “Offering Free Trial for a Product”

  1. George Avatar

    Hi Michael,

    Thanks for using our plugin.

    Affiliates plugin integrates with WooCommerce and WooCommerce Subscriptions through Affiliates WooCommerce integration. This can be installed through your Dashboard if you go to Affiliates > Settings under Integrations tab.

    After installing Affiliates WooCommerce integration, you can set several different rates under Affiliates > Rates one per subscription. You have the option to use a fixed amount, select WooCommerce integration and choose the subscription product. The same process can be used for every single subscription product you wish to give a specific commission.

    Regarding the subscription using a trial period, you can keep the referral as pending and then update it to accepted, once the normal subscription has started. I would also admit that time based referrals sound like an additional feature we should consider adding to our plugin.

    The option for recurrent referrals is supported by Affiliates plugins globally for all subscriptions. It can be found under Affiliates > WooCommerce and will apply for all recurrent payments. In your case and since the recurrent commission involves only one product, you can disable it and add the recurrent commission manually when the subscription is renewed. A referral can be added manually through Affiliates > Referrals by clicking on the Add button.

    Kind regards,
