Notifications when there is a referral and when there isn’t


We have affiliates pro in two different sites.

In one of the sites, when there is no referral it sends the notification email to te Affiliate number 1

On the other site, when there is no referral it doen’t send to affiliates number 1, it sends the email from the CF7.

Why is this happening? Doing a different thing for the same action?


One response to “Notifications when there is a referral and when there isn’t”

  1. antonio Avatar

    Hi Guilherme,
    If there is no referral, no notification should be sent to the affiliate.
    Maybe in your first installation, your affiliate 1 is your admin user. Check in your form settings where are sent the form notifications.
    You could visit another affiliate link, and check if the notification is sent to this new affiliate, or to the affiliate 1.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
