Notification Tokens for affiliates that get referred and custom tokens?


Hi There,

Love the plugin!

So I’m stuck…..

We are creating a system where we have some custom fields on our affiliate registration form.

We are using the Affiliate Notifications feature to notify our affiliates when they refer another affiliate.

I see the default tokens listed here:

…. but I need to be able to do the following:

For example.

John refers Susan as an affiliate….

I want John to get a notification email that says…

Congrats you referred a new affiliate. Here is their contact info


This will display’s Susan’s information so John can know who it is.

Is there a way to do this currently?




10 responses to “Notification Tokens for affiliates that get referred and custom tokens?”

  1. Awesome Antonio! 🙂

    1. Hi Joel,
      now Affiliates Extra Tokens supports the affiliates registration field. In the code, we assume that ‘aff_field_name’ is the registration form field name.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  2. Hi Joel,
    we’re creating a solution compatible with the last Affiliates Pro/Enterprise version.
    Please give me a day.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.

  3. Thanks….it didn’t work…. we are beginning to wonder if that plugin works…..

    Do you have any recommendations for a programmer who is familiar with your plugin we could hire to look at this?



    1. Hi Joel,
      That’s true. Checking the Affiliates code, right now it’s not possible, you should create your own solution.
      Sorry, I don’t know a freelance to make this changes, you can use this wordpress page:
      I have suggested to the team to add this modification to the future.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  4. Hi Antonio,

    We are having a hard time getting this custom token to show as I described above…. do you see any issues with this code

    Is there anyone we can hire who is familiar with your plugin that you could recommend?


    1. Hi Joel,
      ‘get_user_meta’ first param is the user’s id, it should be:
      $data['user_phone'] = get_user_meta( $referral->user_id, $key, $single );
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  5. Awesome…I think we are close…. so if we have created a custom field called “phone” in the affiliate registration form what table does that get stored in.

    With that existing plugin I was able to pull in First Name, Last Name, and user_email because they exist in the $userdata but not sure how to pull in phone…

    Any ideas?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Joel,
      These values are saved as usermeta, so they are stored in wp_usermeta database table. You can use ‘get_user_meta’ function to get them.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  6. antonio Avatar

    Hi Joel,
    You can use the ‘affiliates_notifications_tokens’ filter to add your custom tokens. This plugin can help you as reference to create your own.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
