no referrals data at all

I have installed Affiliates Enterprise for my website. But I transferred my affiliates data from another website. (I wrote some SQL to convert these data. maybe I did something wrong? or any database fields I need to export as well, bu I missed ? ) Then I cannot get any referrals data. how could I fix this issue? please help.

Best Regards,
Joe Hsieh


One response to “no referrals data at all”

  1. Eugen Bleck Avatar
    Eugen Bleck

    Hi Joe,

    Happy new week! I trust you are well and safe!

    Thank you so much for choosing and using Affiliates Enterprise on your site. It brings us great joy to know you are using our plugin.

    We offer our Affiliates import plugin that allows you to import affiliates in bulk from a text file. You can use this tool to migrate from another affiliate system or to import batches of affiliate accounts in general.

    You can read more on this here:

    Secondly, if there are any outstanding payments due on the previous system, please create one referral that summarizes the outstanding amount as a starting position in the new system. Mark the referral as accepted.

    With regards to importing referral data, I would advise against it as it can be very complicated, depending on the system you are moving from. You also mentioned trying to resolve this via SQL queries, please could you share the query in particular.

    I remain available if you have any further inquiries.

    STAY SAFE and I wish you a very week ahead!
    Kind regards,
