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Need to understand how the tiers work, what is the actual 1st level?
I’m setting up my affiliate system, and I urgently need to know the answer to this question:
Is the default site wide normal referral affiliate commission that is configured here, at Settings > Commissions…
Is this in effect the actual first level?
After this normal referral rate level, do the tiers come into effect?
So is the 1st tier is actually the second level after the default normal referral rate affiliate commission?
I’m trying to understand what is the first level.
Thank you
Posted in Affiliates Enterprise
One response to “Need to understand how the tiers work, what is the actual 1st level?”
Hi Barnaby,
From Affiliates->Tiers you can set the number of levels and their commissions.
The ‘level 0′ is the commission set from Affiliates->Woocommerce Integration ( or Affiliates->Settings:Commissions ).
As example, if you have set 0.10 as commission in Affiliates->Woocommerce Integration and 0.05 as level1, and 0.01 as level2 (in Tiers section). And you have:
– Affiliate B
— Affiliate C
If a customer uses the Affiliate_C link, and make a purchase, then Affiliate_C gets 10%, Affiliate_B gets 5% and Affiliate_A gets 1%
Please have a look at the documentation page.
Kind Regards,
Antonio B.