Need some programming to make my system an awesome Tool!

I just want to say that so far so good that this plug in has worked nicely for my Affiliate Company.

I believe I need some custom programming to make this a TOTALLY awesome system.

I will give you a little back ground and then the items that I need.

Currently I run an affiliate program selling a weight loss product. Someone can sign up for free and make 20% commission. Their Role is called affiliate and they are added to a group (using the groups plugin) called affiliate which gives them the 20% commission. I have to manually add them to the group when they sign up as an affiliate.

If the affiliate chooses to purchase the product themselves they become a super affiliate (their role is changed by me manually) – for record keeping purposes the role in the system doesn’t do anything other than for my own personal records. Then I also manually add them to the group called super affiliate which gives them 40% commission.

1. I need some programming done that if someone with the role of affiliate or in the group of affiliate purchases product it will change their role and change their group.. Currently this is manual and a very time consuming task.

2. When they become a super affiliate they get 3 more levels of tiers they can earn. This is also a manual process and very time consuming.

3. I do offer a subscription (which you recently fixed a problem with the commissions for me) but I currently offer bonuses to the super affiliates who buy the product every month. One of the bonuses I offer is a $50 bonus for every 5 personal referrals they get. Problem is that your system gives them the total referrals (including any tier referrals) that they earn and I always have to make them go back and manually give them the list. Could we get a report feature added or something that can give us the personal referrals (I also think the affiliates need to see this too.)

4. I really need some type of contact manager programmed. I did upload the plugin Affiliates WooCommerce Views but it doesn’t have enough information in it. It shows the order number and the total of the order along with the referral commission an affiliate earned but the affiliates in my company NEED the actual customers contact information. My system is designed heavily around follow up. So the affiliates need to be able to follow up with their customers. Currently I am doing this manually and with my company growing so much this is taking way too much of my time. I did have someone program me a Cron Job – which looked into 3 or 4 tables to get the information for an affiliate and then sent them an email with their customers information but this was very cumbersome on my server.

If someone can either email me (you should have my email on file) or approve this entry I would greatly appreciate it.


8 responses to “Need some programming to make my system an awesome Tool!”

  1. Hi Kento,

    I understand as I am sure there are other people who may want this information. What I see would be beneficial is under the plugin Affiliates WooCommerce Views wouldn’t it make sense just to add the customer information? You’re already pulling the Order Number, couldn’t you just add the customer information from that order number?

    In this feature you are showing the order number, the item they ordered, the sales amount and the commission earned. Currently it only shows “accepted” orders and also only shows “Showing up to 20 orders.”

    Could you add the customer information to this screen? Also would be beneficial if there was a drop down of some sort (option) to be able to see the closed referrals too.

    They would NOT need to see the contact information on a customer if it was only a tier commission they should only have access to their own personal referrals. This was a headache for my programmer to pull from 4 or 5 databases to get the highest commission paid to send this data in an email.

    Currently in the affiliate area, I am able to pull the user information in to the back office so I can show a user their own name, affiliate number and also their “capabilities” in our system. Affiliate vs. Super Affiliate by this code below.

    Welcome echo $user_info->first_name . ” ” . $user_info->last_name . “\n”;
    ?> Your Affiliate Number is [affiliates_id] this is your affiliate area and you are currently registered as an echo ‘Affiliate Type Of: ‘ . implode(‘, ‘, $user_info->roles) . “\n”;

    Could you show an affiliate in this area if the customer is a role of Customer or Affiliate?

  2. antonio Avatar

    Hi Wendy,
    Published the topic if anyone would be interested.
    Some things that might help you:
    1.- With Groups Woocommerce Integration you could sell access to ‘superAffiliate’ group.
    2.- With Affiliates Groups Integration you can have different commissions by groups (levels aren’t added).
    3.- You could use [affiliates_affiliate_stats type="stats-referrals" /] shortcode.
    4.- Maybe this class can help you to create your own solution.

    1. Hello Antonio

      1. That won’t work I am not trying to sell access, when an affiliate makes their own purchase of one of our products I need their role changed and also added to the group automatically. I have a variety of products so I am not understanding how it would benefit me to sell access?

      2. I am already using Groups and that helps me give them the 40% commission vs the 20% commission but I need to add more levels in the tiers.

      3. I will check to see if that shortcode can help me.

      4. I will check into it.

      1. In regards to #4 I already installed the Affiliates Export Referrals but this plug in does not give me the information I need.

        1. antonio Avatar

          This plugin can be used as reference, you will need to change lines around 70-80 to customize your output.

      2. antonio Avatar

        1.- With the integration you can add/remove the customer to/from a group while buying another product (the customer buy a product and he’s added to a group).

        1. Yes that is currently how I am using this but I am doing it manually.

          When I made this post and asked for more programming for my system. I am willing to pay for your time to do this for me. I think there is some confusion about my post, I have emailed several times asking for some additional programming (paid by me) and I have never gotten any reply.

          1. Hi Wendy,

            Thanks for the details on your requirements, I actually think at least part of it makes sense to include in the system itself instead of having it customized for you but I’d need to review that before deciding on that.

            I understand that your need is rather urgent for this as it would save you time while you have to handle things manually, sorry for the delay in answering to your request but we are concentrating on the general features and maintenance of the system rather than taking customization jobs (which we currently don’t).

            I’ll review your emails anyway and see if it makes sense to include those features or provide an enhancement.

