Need Help Affiliate user name modification


Dear Support is it possible i request for modification affiliate by username combined with recruitment ?
so people get referral from others by send their affilate user name, like kind of recruitmen multi viral marketing plugin?
if it is possible then how much it will be cost ?



7 responses to “Need Help Affiliate user name modification”

  1. hmm, but i dont see any coupon on there, its said that ” Upgrades
    Valid coupons for upgrades and promotions: ” ( blank).. thats all.

    1. Hi, an upgrade to the Enterprise version is only possible if you have previously purchased Affiliates Pro or an integration pack containing Affiliates Pro, in your case that isn’t the case, that’s why the coupon doesn’t appear. Sorry 🙂

  2. owhh..nice, btw can i get any discount for this enteprise solution ? :P, qiqiqiiqi

    1. antonio Avatar

      in your downloads page you have a coupon.

  3. Assume i have user A, user A has url referral, this url give to B, after registration user B has upline user A, and user A has downline user B.
    on parallel registration proces admin get notification and also their upline ( in this case would be user A).
    You know like MLM but without matrix calculation, just only referral get refferal.

    1. Ok, this is what Affiliates Enterprise provides as it support tiers.

  4. Can you please give an example of how you would like the process to work?

    From what you say I think there is no need to build anything customized, to me it sounds like a normal referral process.
