Multiple groups, same post


I bought the category protect plugin.

When I set a post private for a certain Group, it works.
When I set it private for 2 groups, it will only be visible for one group… Any solution?

Best regards,



4 responses to “Multiple groups, same post”

  1. Floepkah Avatar

    When I assign a user to Group A and Group B, it works. But isn’t there a way that you have to be part of 1 group to view the post if it is assigned to only that group?

    Thank you.

    1. Denitsa Avatar

      Hey there Filip,
      Thanks for providing such a detailed explanation, it really helps clarify the issue!
      My answer in your other thread here -> is applicable to this one too.
      There isn’t a way to achieve what you seek with the Groups Restrict Categories plugin, unless a user is member of all the groups. What I suggested in my other post is to use the built-in functionality of the Groups plugin to restrict a certain post by assigning groups to it while creating/editing it.

  2. Denitsa Avatar

    Hello Filip,
    Thank you for using our plugins!
    That is certainly not the default behaviour of the plugin, you should be able to execute the following scenario:
    1) Have a Category A with a post in it that’s visible only by members from Group A.
    2) Have a Category B with a post in it that’s visible only by members from Group B.
    3) Have a post that’s assigned to a Category AB that’s visible by members of Group A and Group B.

    Can you tell me a bit more about your setup – what categories, groups and users you have and their relationship to the restricted post (which category is the post in, what groups have access to that category, etc.)? You can follow my scenario example from above to clarify the situation.

    1. Floepkah Avatar

      Hi Denitsa,

      My setup:

      I have a category A, category B and category C
      I have a group A*, group B* and group C*
      Category A is assigned to A*, B to B* and C to C*
      All users are unique and assigned to only 1 group

      I have 1 post

      When I assign Post 1 to category A –> Works perfect! Only visible for the users from group A*
      When I assign Post 1 to category A and category B –> It isn’t visible for anyone! Which is a pain in the ass cause I exactly need this feature.

