Multiple Affiliate User Types for different commision structures

I am having a similar problem to this article – . You help this user with a tiered affiliate structure code snippet and that is what I want to do, PLUS have a standard flat rate affiliate.

Essentially I want to have 2 affiliate types, a standard affiliate that gets paid a flat rate, AND an advanced affiliate that gets paid via the tiered structure. Is there anything I can add to the code snippet for tiered commissions that would allow for both affiliate types? Or upgrade to Enterprise? I didnt see any info about this is the Enterprise documentation.


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2 responses to “Multiple Affiliate User Types for different commision structures”

  1. Hi Lindsay,

    Basically this snippet would work if you want only to filter the commissions based on the amount of referrals.
    If you have two types of affiliates, it would require some further modifications after the affiliate id has been fetched.
    If there are only two affiliates, a commission based and a flat rate, then after fetching the affiliate id you should check the id and if its the commission based set some filter for him. If it’s the flat rate affiliate then the commission should be set to the desired rate.

    Hope you find my instructions clear enough to apply them accordingly.

    Kind regards,

    1. Lindsay Avatar

      Thanks George for your input! I’m going to have to look into that a bit further. The instructions are clear and very helpful.
