Multiple Affiliate Types

Is there a way i can have multiple affiliate type. For example, one affiliate program for store ambassadors and one for housekeepers. These would both be tier one affiliates, they would just have different descriptions and percentage rates.


5 responses to “Multiple Affiliate Types”

  1. I am just implementing this now and realized I have some questions:

    1.Does the affiliate get assigned automatically to a certain group?
    2.Can I have groups and a standard store affiliate

    Thank you.

    1. Hi,
      1.- You can use this function (you can use this code in your theme funtions.php). Change “Premium”.
      2.- You can use the default value as standard affiliate.

  2. Hi,

    I downloaded the groups plug in as suggested, but it does not appear in the affiliates dashboard the way your “Affiliates Groups” link above indicates. It’s separate in the WP dashboard below it. (I’m running Affiliates Enterprise plug in.)

    My goal is to offer 5% referral sales commission on group A, 10% on group B and 15% on group C… The members of each group receive that designation based on an s2member controlled monthly subscription at three different prices points.

    Offhand, would this setup generally require customization? Or can I do this myself with Affiliates Groups and the standard Enterprise plug in set up?



    1. sorry, but Affiliates Groups plugin requires Affiliates + Groups. It doesn’t work with s2member.
      In your case, you could use Affiliates API, and create your own custom method based on s2member’s groups.

  3. Hi,
    all affiliates are of the same type.
    But you could use Affiliates Groups to assign different rates according to the group.
    You could create two groups “ambassadors” and “housekeepers” and with [groups_join] you can join the affiliates to a group.
