Moving to a new domain name

Hello, I’d like to know how difficult it’d be to move all affiliates to a new domain name.

What are the measures to take to make sure that they still get credit for the current referring members?

Thank you.



6 responses to “Moving to a new domain name”

  1. cramirez77 Avatar

    The only way I know how to fix this is to offer an upgrade package for the member and use Paypal Pro Forms from S2Member Pro and cancel their old subscription by hand. Paypal won’t do this automatically.

  2. cramirez77 Avatar

    my “ex” business partner and I split up and he owned the previous domain but I’m the developer :-).

    Therefore, the memberships are still active with that domain. As a matter of fact, since writing to you last, I have successfully imported all existing referrals on the new domain. The new emails being sent out from Affiliate Enterprise are still coming from the first domain not the new one. I was hoping Paypal IPN would recognize the subscription value inside of the new domain and process the email notification from there. So essentially they would receive 2 emails (one from the old and one form the new). Once this was working, I was going to dissolve the old domain.

    So my final question is, how can I get the email notifications to be updated from S2 on the new site and not from the old? Maye the IPN links need to be updated from Paypal on the old site or inside paypal?

    Thanks again.


    1. Hi Cesar,

      I would recommend to speak to someone at PayPal, although it seems you can’t do the change as suggested here.

  3. cramirez77 Avatar

    I think my main concern is this:

    PayPal IPN subscriptions

    Right now we have — ExistingDomain1 -> affiliate referrals -> subscriptions notification of sale ->

    If I export the database to a new domain, how do I keep giving credit to existing affiliates? If I input a newDomain IPN URL in PayPal, will this notify the affiliates of their referrals?

    I don’t want to redirect ExistingDomain1.

    Or do you recommend using a standalone affiliate software for this move? If so which one?

    1. For subscriptions, as long as s2 recognizes the payments on the new domain, the affiliates would get credit for recurring payments on existing subscriptions, but I would recommend to test that before moving a live site.

      If you don’t want to redirect, you really should make sure that the existing affiliates update their links.

      I don’t think that a separate solution would bring you any benefit, on the contrary, that would mean you would have even more changes involved than just switching domains.

      May I ask why you even need to consider switching domains?

  4. Hi Cesar,

    The first thing would be to move the site taking the appropriate steps, see Moving WordPress.

    Then it’s very important that the affiliates are aware of the domain change and use the new links.

    If you want links to the previous domain to work, you would need to set a redirection in place that takes incoming links to the old domain and forwards them to the new one, while maintaining the affiliate information in the URL.

    Some useful info on that is in Moving your site, Best practices when moving your site and there’s an article explaining on what to do to the .htaccess Redirect an Old Domain to your New Website – in any case, I would recommend to handle with care as the implications can be huge.
