monitoring of sales by affiliates

I use google translate
I am setting up the plugin, and would like some information.
I see, in a test account, the sales that come through an affiliate (test), but at the log as an affiliate is not any sales tracking, everything you see is a default page wordpress subscriber.
Apart from that there is an email that is sent when the customer purchases on your affiliate link, but this is not even included the order value and your commission.
How to solve this? As the affiliate can track your sales? I imagine that there is something like an administration panel that allows the affiliate to see your progress not?

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One response to “monitoring of sales by affiliates”

  1. Hi Sergio,
    You can use the ‘[affiliates_affiliate_stats]‘ shortcode in your affiliates-area page. Please have a look at the shortcodes documentation page.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
