Memory isse – 500 Internal Server Error

Good morning.

We’ve been using your plugin for many years on one of our websites. A few days ago, the website started showing error 500, a memory issue.
I’ve upgraded the plugin to the latest version, but the issue is still there.
The website is not showing an error once I’ve disabled the access restrictions for the taxonomy that we are using restrictions.

Please help us how to fix this or how to debug this.

Thank you.


3 responses to “Memory isse – 500 Internal Server Error”

  1. George Avatar

    Hey Pavlo,

    I’m George and taking over from Karim on this matter.
    After raising the allocated memory, did you notice a difference at the memory error you get? Was the change actually effective?
    Have you noticed anything else logged on your debug.log, occurring in the same/close timestamp like the memory error?

    We may also offer to have a closer look at a staging clone, as long as you provide us with temporary admin access and enable WP Debugging with the following options:

    define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
    define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
    define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false );

    You can create the temp admin account using my personal email address, george at itthinx dot com.

    Kind regards,

  2. Pavlo Tkachenko Avatar
    Pavlo Tkachenko

    We’ve changed the limit to 4096M and still the issue with the memory. Once I’m disabling all the Taxonomies in the settings – not issues with memory.

  3. Hi Pavlo,

    This is likely due to an insufficient PHP memory limit. Please raise the limit as shown in Increasing memory allocated to PHP and let us know if the issue persists after that.

    In your wp-config.php add for example:

    define( 'WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT', '512M' );

    Which value is necessary depends on the resources that your site is using, but you can try the 512 MB limit as shown above which is often sufficient. However, please also note that your server must have the amount of memory available so that the limit is effective.

