Manually place order as admin- calculate comissions

How do we get affiliate enterprise to calculate comissions to a multitier affiliates if a admin place a manual order in woocommerce on a customer(refferal).

As is now – a order can be placed by admin in woo – choose customer (registerd by link from affiliate) – choose products – mark completed.

And no comission is paid to the affiliates or multi tiers sponsors.

The order is generated and is visiable both for customer and admin. But no comissions is paid out.

This is if a customer calls in and places a order – and we want the affiliate who refferd that customer shall get paid correctly.

So – any ideas – are we missing something – how do we activate a function like the above ? ..



3 responses to “Manually place order as admin- calculate comissions”

  1. George Avatar

    Hi Patrik,

    Yes, this is one of the main features of Affiliates Permanent, to assign a new customer to the referring affiliate once a referral is accepted.

    Kind regards,

  2. jzntech Avatar

    Hello George.

    can we trigger the permanent relation automatically between a refferd customer/visitor who recieved a affiliate link – pressed it (cookie created) and register as a customer on website – can this be automatically attached to the releated affiliate.

  3. George Avatar

    Hi Patrik,

    Your best option would be to add orders in the front-end only.
    This way you can ensure that the referral and tiered commissions will be properly calculated for the respective affiliates. In order to simplify things in your case, I would also recommend you to create coupons with a zero discount and assign them to your affiliates so that you can avoid using affiliate links. Each time you need to add an order manually you will follow the same process as a customer would do, apply the respective affiliate coupon and the rest will be handled automatically by affiliates system.

    This happens because WooCommerce API has no hook triggering only on orders placed in the back-end. Especially, if we use for example woocommerce_new_order action or even wp_insert_post both of them are triggered in both front and back-end orders which will lead in unexpected results as far as affiliates and referrals are concerned.

    Regarding the customer involved in the order, this has nothing to do with the referring affiliate in your case, it would only apply if you were using Affiliates Permanent which creates permanent relations between a customer and an affiliate.

    Kind regards,
