Manually linking a referral

We have an affiliate that signed up but there was an issue with the customer signing up.
How do we link that customers subscription to the affiliate manually?

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5 responses to “Manually linking a referral”

  1. Hi Leon,

    Yes it should be enough, as long as there is a referral for the original order that is not rejected, then the renewal will be granted to the affiliate involved.


  2. Hi Leon,

    FYI, you can see the referrals for a specific affiliate if you filter by the affiliate in question and click on Apply button under Affiliates > Referrals. You will find it handy if you also select to Expand details and Expand data again in the Filters section.


    1. Leon Black Avatar
      Leon Black

      Its still not giving me much confidence that the next recurring subscription invoice is going to auto allocate.
      How do I know that it will with woocommerce subscriptions?

      I set the reference as the main order id. is that all that is needed?

  3. Leon Black Avatar
    Leon Black

    I think I might be missing something.
    How do I see subscriptions linked to an affiliate?

    I added the start order of this to an affiliate, but there does not seem to be anywhere that shows the subscription is linked to them so future renewals get attributed to the affiliate.

    Am I missing something?

  4. Hi Leon,

    Welcome to our support forum and many thanks for using our affiliate marketing tool.

    A referral in general can be added manually through Affiliates > Referrals. If the referral in question has been added but granted to the Direct affiliate then you should only locate the referral record, edit it and choose the proper affiliate. Otherwise, you should add a new one by clicking the Add button, fill-in the necessary data and click on Save.

    You may find the full description here :
    and especially under the section Adding Referrals Manually.

    Kind regards,
