‘Login Here’ after sign up taking affiliate to admin log in

Hey guys,

Love the app and a very reasonable price, well done and thank you very much.

Here’s my site sign up: http://www.fancyfresher.co.uk/affiliate-area

When affiliates sign up they get a message on the page saying ‘log in here’ with the ‘here’ being a link to the admin log in. I’ve managed to alter the notification e-mails to take them to the right page and it is now only here that takes them to the back end.

Any resolution would be very much appreciated as affiliates are finding it confusing.

Many thanks,



9 responses to “‘Login Here’ after sign up taking affiliate to admin log in”

  1. Dominic Avatar

    Hey Kento,

    That’s great & working, thanks so much for your help- as you can tell I need to learn some coding!



    1. Thanks Dom, I’m glad to have been able to help you with that 🙂 Cheers!

  2. Dominic Avatar

    Thanks for the swift reply again Kento. The coding on the page is as follows;

    (edited: see http://pastebin.com/hP68v0sn for content posted)

    1. Thanks for the content Dominic, what happens is that you have the affiliates_registration shortcode in there twice, first with the previous version and then followed by the new one. This should only appear once, I’ve marked the lines to remove like shown here and how it should look like to work correctly for this case is shown here.

  3. Dominic Avatar

    Hey Kento, unfortunately I’ve replaced the code and the same problem is still present.

    1. Have you checked the shortcode parameters? If there’s a slight typo or mismatched case it wouldn’t accept the parameters, also make sure that it’s using straight quotes like this " not curly ones like .

  4. Hi Dom,

    Many thanks for the kind feedback on the plugin 🙂

    Regarding your question, the shortcode that handles the registration offers two attributes which can be used to modify the link’s target URL and its text. These are:

    registered_profile_link_text : Profile link text to be displayed for registered users after signing up for the affiliate program.

    registered_profile_link_url : Profile Link for registered users after signing up for the affiliate program.

    For example:

    [affiliates_registration registered_profile_link_text="Sign In" registered_profile_link_url="http://www.example.com/affiliate-area/"]

    Reference: Affiliate Registration Forms and Pages


    1. Dominic Avatar

      Hi kento, thanks for the speedy reply. I’ve inserted the following:

      [affiliates_registration registered_profile_link_text="Sign In" registered_profile_link_url="http://www.fancyfresher.co.uk/affiliate-area"]

      onto the page in the correct are however when I sign up it’s still showing the old text ‘Thanks for signing up! Check your e-mail for your log in details. Sign in here’ with ‘here’ taking the affiliate to the admin log in.

      Many thanks,


      1. Hi Dom,

        Ok, what happens is that these attributes change the text shown at another point but you can use a redirection instead:

        [affiliates_registration redirect="true" redirect_to="http://www.fancyfresher.co.uk/affiliate-area"]

        That would bring them to the page to log in, give it a try please and let me know if that works out ok.
