Login and Logout Buttons

I noticed that my theme displays the login button as a white block. No text.
How to adjust to display on theme?

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10 responses to “Login and Logout Buttons”

  1. That would depend on your theme. Some themes have an option box to insert your own custom css.
    If though you are using Jetpack, there is an app for Custom CSS which if enabled, allows you to add your own css under Appearance > Edit CSS.


  2. Where in the main theme can i add the css. Not working in the child theme….

  3. Perhaps its better to have a look at your Dashboard.
    Please create a temporary admin account and send the credentials to george at itthinx dot com.


  4. I did…did not work

  5. These are two different css classes.
    Try adding:
    .button {
    color: black; !important /* it can be either black or a hexadecimal color code */


  6. input type=”submit” name=”wp-submit” id=”wp-submit” class=”button button-primary” value=”Log In”

  7. That didn’t work on child theme. The html is
    button button-primary can be found no where in the css files of main theme.

  8. Thanks for sharing Chris.

    You should add the following to your style.css file, preferably in your child theme’s style.css file.
    .button {
    color: black; /* it can be either black or a hexadecimal color code */

  9. Hi Chris,

    Can you please provide a link to your site, so that i can have a look?
    Also, if these buttons involve the Affiliate Area page, make sure to create an affiliate account using the email george at itthinx dot com.

    Kind regards,
