just now i purchased

i need some requirement.
1. i need to do manual payment adjustment for some referrals(ex: when someone has 10$ in their account, (i need to either increase or decrease their wallet amount) and it has to be reflected in their dashboard

2. pay per click – i need to assign some specific url to some specific affiliate

3. option showing only mass paypal. many people doesn’t have this. need to enable bank account


One response to “just now i purchased”

  1. George Avatar

    Hi there,

    Welcome to our support forum and many thanks for using our affiliate marketing tool on your site.

    You can add a referral manually at any time as long as you go to Affiliates > Referrals, create a new Referral and then:
    1. Select the affiliate to give the commission to
    2. Add an amount for that referral
    3. Set the three-letter code for the currency
    4. Select Accepted for the referral status
    5. Click on Save

    This manual referral will instantly appear in Affiliates Dashboard under Referrals section for the affiliate which the referral is granted to.

    The Affiliates plugin allows you to use any URL on your site as an affiliate link. The only requirement is to append the URL parameter and the affiliate id to the link. If for example you go to Affiliates Dashboard under Overview section as an active affiliate, you can create an affiliate link using the tool provided exactly for that purpose, so there is basically no limitation to the URL you can use.

    Regarding payments to your affiliates, all commission payments can be processed manually so you are free to use the service of your choice. The mass payment file that can be generated is compatible with Paypal and other payment gateways that support it, but this option won’t limit you since you can process them manually the way that is best for you including bank transfers.

    Kind regards,
