just bought import export


i just bought groups import export and having some probelms.

when i try to export user it export in .tsv file. what is that?
if i open the file in CSVed it only use one column and my swdsih characters is showing strange letters? what free program can be used to export .tsv files
also before export i can see lots of meta data fields (please see screnshot) http://i68.tinypic.com/rh8sp3.jpg

warm regards K


7 responses to “just bought import export”

  1. kimberley Avatar


    sent you a mail 🙂

    1. Answered by email. It seems to work fine if the groups exists or selecting “Create new groups if they do not exist.” in Groups->Import Users
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  2. kimberley Avatar

    1. ok
    2. when i save excel in Text (tabbavgränsad) (*.txt) then it works fine. if i save excel format in .cvs i can not import.
    3. where should i change codification to UTF 8?
    4. is not importing to my groups that have swedish character group name: Fastighet Fält
    when i importing a group name like this: Hela MPS kontor then is ok.

    any ideas why?

    1. Hi,
      2.- Please have a look at this documentation page.
      3.- Usually, when you import a tvs file in Excel, the software ask about this codification. Maybe this topic can help you.
      4.- Maybe you are not exporting to utf8. If you want, you can send us your file to support at itthinx dot com indicating this topic in the email, and I’ll have a look at this.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  3. kimberley Avatar


    couple of more question:

    1. when importing new users shoul i add the password in excel in the empty box? (i want to add the password if possible)
    2. can i import the excel file or do i have to save excel to .csv or .tsv?
    3. when i export users with your plugin swedish characters (å,ä,ö,Å,ÄÖ) is not showing properly in excel, why is that?

    Regards K

    1. Hi,
      1.- yes, you can add the passwords.
      2.- You need to import in csv format.
      3.- Try to change the codification to UTF8
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  4. Hi Kimberley,
    TSV file format. You can use ex. Excel (or openoffice) to import this file.
    These fields are the data that your users have. You can select all, or only the extra data that you want.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
