Ittthinx updates warning on every page

I do not want automatic updates. My /usr/share/wordpress directory is owned by root so that the web server can’t change anything. I bought this add-on, and do not want to see this warning, nor any other warnings. When and whether to update is entirely up to me.

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One response to “Ittthinx updates warning on every page”

  1. antonio Avatar

    Hi Thomas,
    The Itthinx Update plugin indicates when a new update is available, but the plugin doesn’t install any update. It is highly recommended to have it installed and activated.
    But if you don’t want it and want to remove the warning, you can add this code in your functions.php theme file.
    remove_action( 'admin_notices', 'itthinx_updates_install' );
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
