Itthinx Updates download link?

I\’m installing Affiliates Pro again on my site and it is saying that to use it with Woocommerce, I need to install Itthinx Updates and gives a link. Clicking on this link takes me to a page titled Itthinx Updates, but does not have a download link.

Itthinx Updates

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3 responses to “Itthinx Updates download link?”

  1. Moonworks Avatar

    I followed the link to the service key and then saw the link for the download, so all is good in the world again 🙂

    1. antonio Avatar

      Perfect !!

  2. antonio Avatar

    Ho Moonworks,
    You can download the integration directly from here.
    Remember that you need the set the service key when you have the plugin installed.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
